Thursday, September 4, 2008


Everybody hang on, the world is not coming to an end. It may seem like it, but it really isn't. I know everybody probably thought I was lost since I haven't blogged in forever. But I you look closely, a bunch of us have been lost - except Renee and Brook - good job ladies. This post is especially for my buddy Shawn, because he said he wouldn't blog until I did again, but I hope it will raise everybody's interest again so that we can share with each other.
The title is appropriate though because as usual I have been lost in the rat race of everyday life, which has led to the lack of posting. Being lost however allows distance and separation to enter your life, which is never good. Redirection from loved ones usually gets your attention - thanks honey - and allows the lost to be found.
The phrase "I need to find myself' seems really stupid to me. We don't find ourselves. Our family and friends are the ones who usually come to our rescue, along of course with our Savior, Jesus.
Being lost is no fun, especially to our families. This becomes evident when you ask yourself to look at your life through the eyes of someone else. If you ask that question, be ready for the answer. Hope this will create some blog interest and I will do my best to keep up my part.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What is my goal?

Well, I've finally joined the in-crowd now and have created my first blog. Thanks to my wife for her help in getting me started. In creating my page, I didn't know exactly what to do, but as usual God put something on my heart. The picture pretty much says it all and it's relatively simple when you think about it. The Cross of Jesus should be our Goal, but in "my" world I sure do find it hard to focus on that goal.

I've been reminded of the goal over the last couple of weeks, once again thanks to my wife. If you haven't noticed I have been working a lot. All in an effort to help our family's finances, but in doing so I lost focus on what is important -- God in my life. With all of my busyness I have neglected my relationship with God and my family. I have a Pastor friend who always said, "If the Devil can't make you bad, he will make you busy." So true, and in keeping you busy, you become consumed in that busyness. That's where I have been.

The cross is where I want to be and need to be. I am reminded everday of the blessings God pours out on me and these blessings are the simplest of things. My Christianity, my family, my church, my friends, my health, my job(s), my house, my vehicles, my food, my clothes, everything I could ever want, I have. Sometimes it's hard to recognize that, but everyday that I work I see people who don't have some of these things or any of these things.

So why do we look past what we have now and look ahead to see what is to come? We're not promised even tomorrow. I know it is human nature, but I want to strengthen my relationship with Jesus so much that my faith overwhelms my human nature. I know what my goal is, I just pray to God for the strength to reach for it everyday.